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When I was 15 or so and my sister Mary was 10 or so, we were staying on Cape Cod because my dad was working at Woods Hole Institute. We were renting a house on the beach. Cocky then as now, I felt certain I would be able to manage a two-person sunfish sailboat. But…
When I find myself in times of trouble Esperanza comes to me Speaking words of wisdom Let it be Let it be Let it be Let it be And in my hour of darkness I know she’s watching over me Whispering words of wisdom Let it be so I can see Let it breathe Set it free I wake up…
Verse One – Origins Years ago, I chose to live in the desert to be close to my sculpture mentor, Gordon Newell, and to see and learn from the golden raking light. Since I go into great depth in my memoir, Seeing into Stone: a Sculptor’s Journey, about Gordon, I will just briefly recap that…
Verse One Feb 4 sorrows I woke up with the lyrics to an old Peter Paul and Mary song filling my mind and spirit If somehow you could pack up your sorrows and give them all to me you would lose them I know how to use them Give them all to me These lyrics…
I woke up with the lyrics to an old Peter Paul and Mary song filling my mind and spirit If somehow you could pack up your sorrows and give them all to me you would lose them I know how to use them Give them all to me These lyrics by Mimi and Richard Farina…
Trail your hand or your finger along the surface of the water Watch the ripples bend the grasses and reeds Immerse yourself in seeing their intermingled reflections dance Kitty, my sister-in-law said, “when you die, you’ll be the last to know”. Kitty’s daughter says you die with the same spirit, defiance and life force as…
D If discombobulation isn’t a medical term, it should be. A few days ago, we both got two vaccinations: one for flu and one for covid, which with all the holiday traffic is reinventing itself with gusto, and has caused me a bad reaction before. I tried walking with Tina (my “queen of walk and…
In the middle of a cold January night when time stands still or slips backward as if it had a broken clutch I dream of disappearing into the void. I dream of he myriad of multicolored particles that surround and inhabit me merge into the vaster myriad of multi colored particles that comprise the web…
Dear family, If I remember correctly, today is the 3rd anniversary of Nancy’s death which occurred in the middle of the Covid pandemic. It was crushing to not be able to go say goodbye to her in person and to have to wait until spring of 2022 to assemble family, friends and colleagues by…
The other day I had an impulse to crawl across the living room. It felt so right that I turned around and did it again. I noticed afterwards that I could stand and easily maintain my balance both standing and walking even without my cane, a major improvement from just the day before. Feeling encouraged,…