Rough Patch

Rough patch—

hard to catch the rhythm, the mojo, the want-to, my stride, even my breath.

The energy of my old self seems impossible to match.

The blues seem to latch on like a sasquatch snatching a ride on my back,

staggering me down into the scratchy thatch.

I’m hoping the next batch of minutes, hours, days

will bear different fruit and hatch

 a new brood of inspired paintings,

the fortitude to finish sculptures-in-progress,

dispatch my spirit from down under

so I’m eager to offer beauty and hope in a joyous potlatch

1 comments on “Rough Patch
  1. Carol Sanoff says:

    (with apology to Thich Nhat Hanh)
    sitting still, I am located
    breathing in, I am inspired
    breathing out, I am moved

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