Archive For August 24, 2019
He is an old school doctor, a radiation oncologist,very thorough but bound to his script.Well-intentioned and respected, no doubt,but his eyes wander away from mine,and he steps on every one of my lines.I have to interrupt to get a point across.Actually listening, making contactwith the human being sitting across from him—something the nurses do effortlessly—is…
Their treatment plan? We will know more this Friday after meeting with the radiation oncologist at Swedish Medical in Denver, but the standard treatment for glioblastoma is six weeks of five-days-a-week radiation plus a little chemo on the side. Hit it hard at the beginning with daily zaps. Thanks to Henry’s cousins, we have a…
A length of hose lies coiled on the ground, unconnected to the well, watering nothing. We could call this hose Hose, or better yet, José, but the dream said its name was Don the conduit man, coffee-colored and beautiful in that slightly androgynous look these days. Let’s agree to make Don bilingual with a small…